Our dedicated manufacturing, commercial and logistics network has been designed to meet OEM customers’ specific requirements globally.

The production of hose assemblies and kits takes place in dedicated OEM facilities in Europe and East Asia as well as in OEM Alliance partner facilities in the Americas.

Fluiconnecto OEM Business Unit serves OEM customers from all around the world, from our assembly and service facilities in the UK, France, Czech Republic, India and South Korea. In the Americas and China, OEM customers are served by OEM Alliance partners and Manuli Hydraulics locations.

The services we provide to major OEM customers include: port2port creative engineering design, pre-sales and after-sales technical assistance, engineering problem solving, expertize and innovation in assembly processes, high-level logistics (including through IOT) and many others.

Port2Port Creative Engineering Design

Fluiconnecto provides innovative port-to-port creative engineering solutions to OEM customers.
Port-to-port begins with the identification of the challenges that customers face in their daily operations and the understanding of their requirements for the production of high-performance equipment. With this knowledge, Fluiconnecto provides a port-to-port designed solution to better serve our OEM customers.


  • High Quality: Our products and services are developed to meet the demands or major OEM customers. Our facilities are ISO 9001:2015 certified, compliant with all safety and quality requirements. Being ISO 9001 certified means we continually want to improve our processes to serve you better.
  • Optimal Cleanliness: Cleanliness is crucial to keep any hydraulic systems working efficiently and preserving the environment pollution too. Fluiconnecto provides optimal levels of cleanliness, measured and monitored according to the relevant international specification (e.g. SAE AS4059 or ISO4406). Our capabilities reach the optimal levels of cleanliness according to OEM customer needs, while our research and innovation teams continue to improve and upgrade our processes and materials to satisfy OEM customer highest demands.
  • Process Optimization: We work directly with manufacturers, ensuring continuity of availability, improving your productivity and avoiding additional costs.
  • Cost and Time Reduction: Our solutions are specifically designed to meet the requirements of your market. Your operations run more efficiently, reducing costs and saving time.


  • Tailored Solutions
  • Co-Design
  • Testing Simulation
  • Hose Assembly
  • Tube Assembly
  • Tube Bending
  • Kitting
  • Complete product range: Through our dedicated network we provide original the highest quality products available. Hydraulic Hoses | Fittings | Check Valves | Adaptors | Quick Couplings | Accessories | Complementary Products | and more!

The result of working with port-to-port solutions is a combination of improvement in quality, service life, performance and delivery times. By working with a reliable partner capable of delivering all components related to the hydraulic system, the manufacturing activities for customers becomes easier, costs are reduced and processes are more efficient.


To learn more about Fluiconnecto OEM contact us: oem@fluiconnecto.com